Using ClockSync There are several ways to use ClockSync, depending on your personal preference, and your configuration. Later in this chapter I've described some specific suggestions, but here's the basic use... 1) Place a copy of ClockSync on the "master" computer. You should put it on a shared drive, so that other Macintoshes can access it over a network (through file sharing, AppleTalk, or whatever you use). 2) Make sure the system clock on the "master" is accurate. You can do this by synchronizing it, via modem, with one of the various atomic clocks (I use a utility called Set Clock, which you can probably find on your favorite BBS or online service). You can also use the radio, or TV, or any other reasonably accurate clock source. 3) From the "servant" machine, locate ClockSync on the "master" computer and run it. 4) ClockSync will automatically adjust the clock on your "servant" computer to match the "master". ClockSync will tell you how many seconds difference there was between the master and servant computers, and then exit automatically after a short period. Manually synchronizing If you find that you use ClockSync frequently, you should probably create an alias of ClockSync from your "master" computer, and move it to your "servant" computer. If you place it in the Apple menu, it will speed up the operation considerably - just choose the alias, and ClockSync will be run. Aliases have the distinct advantage of automatically prompting you to log in to the server, if you aren't already, saving you some steps by not having to load the chooser, etc. Automatic synchronizing If your computer is always connected to the "master" computer, you can have ClockSync run at startup, so your clock is always synchronized. The following steps will let you set it up under System 7... 1) Bring up the Chooser and select the drive where ClockSync resides on the "master" computer. Set it up to automatically be mounted at startup time, by clicking on the checkbox to the right of the drive name. 2) Find ClockSync on the "master" computer. 3) Make an alias of it. 4) Drag the alias to the "Startup Items" folder in the System folder on the "servant" computer. 5) That's it! From now on, whenever you restart or turn on the "servant" computer, the drive that ClockSync resides on will be mounted, and ClockSync will be automatically run.